i miss you

i miss you

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder

SKU: QU0046 Categories: , Tag: ,


Tensotec properties

  • TNSOTEC is a quality PH enhancer spray solution.
  • Tensotec lowers the surface tension of the spray solution droplets and increases their spread over the treated surface.
  • Your tshirt contains a neutral dispersant and adhesive, It adjusts the pH number of the spray solution at 5.5 and softens the water.
  • Tsensutk neutralizes dissolved salts and reduces electrical conductivity, This increases the efficiency of the water used in the spraying process.
  • Tenzotec is suitable for use with pesticides, growth regulators, phytonutrients and sedatives because it is a non-ionic substance.
  • Tensotec prevents the rapid degradation and degradation of pesticides by extending the half-life of the spray solution.

How to add and use

  • Tnsutek is added to the spray water (first) before adding fertilizer or pesticide at a rate of 100 cm3 per 100 liters of water.
Chemical and physical composition
published article 60%
soapy substance 20%
Potassium oxide (K2O) 10%
pH 5%
Packaging 1 – 5 liters


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