Nutri Organ

Nutri Organ

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder

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Characteristics of Nutri Organ

  • NutriOrgan is a natural soil conditioner with a high organic matter content (50% fulvic acid).
  • Nutri Organ works on correcting saline soils with high alkalinity, The pH of the compound is lower than that of humic acids.
  • NutriOrgan is rich in free radical amino acids of plant origin, polysaccharides, disaccharides, enzymes, yeasts and “low molecular weight” polypeptides.

The role of Nutriorgane in the soil

physical effect

  • It improves the structure of the soil.
  • Improves the degree of soil water retention (sandy soil).
  • Improves soil aeration (loamy soil).

chemical effect

  • It acts as a chelator for nutrients and organic matter in the soil.
  • It increases the cationic exchange capacity of soil particles.
  • Increases the soil content of nutrients and their susceptibility to plant uptake.

biological effect

  • It stimulates the growth of the root system.
  • Increases the activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
  • Increases plant resistance to soil diseases.
  • Increases plant resistance to adverse conditions and stress (thirst, frost, High temperature, Insect and fungal infections).

How to add and use

  • The addition is done by drip irrigation only .
  • Fruit trees : in general from 12 to 15 liters per acre from the beginning of the growing season until maturity.
  • Vegetables : in general from 6 to 8 liters per acre from the beginning of the growing season until maturity.
  • The general dose : from 2 to 3 liters per feddan in one treatment.
Chemical and physical composition
fulvic acid 50%
free amino acids 2%
organic nitrogen 9%
Potassium (K2O) 5.2%
organic carbon 40%
pH 7%
Packaging 5 – 10 – 20 liters


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