Oligo Zinc Edita 15%

Oligo Zinc Edita 15%

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder

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Properties of Oligo Zinc Edita 15%

  • Zinc is important and necessary for the formation of tryptophan, the amino acid that makes up indole acetic acid.
  • Zinc is included in the synthesis of both Glycol – Glycine Diptidases, which are necessary for the assimilation of proteins.
  • It is involved in the formation of growth hormones, It is involved in the formation and production of pollen.
  • It plays a role in the ability of plants to retain moisture, synthesis of protein and RNA molecules, and encourages the formation of cytochromes.

Zinc deficiency symptoms

The critical concentration of zinc is up to 20 ppm, and the concentration is lower than that. The following deficiency symptoms appear on plants:

  1. Yellowing of the space between the veins, and these green areas are pale and may sometimes turn yellow or white.
  2. There may be clusters or rosettes of small, brittle leaves at the end of the new branches forming a rosetting.
  3. This is followed by the death of the vegetative system and the leaves fall before they are completed.
  4. Some shoots are few but remain closed with the terminal bud turning white with severely low yield.

How to add and use

  • Spraying on the leaves (from 50 to 100 grams per 100 liters of water).
Chemical and physical composition
Zinc chelate-on (EDTA) 15%
Packaging 1 – 5 – 20 kg


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