Phylon Key 65%

Phylon Key 65%

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Features of Phylon Key 65%

  • Phylon K is a humic compound in the form of a fully soluble powder in water extracted from humic substances and enhanced with some activating additives.
  • Philon K increases the efficiency of water storage in the root zone of the soil.
  • Phylon K contains a high percentage of fulvic, which works to chelate the fertilizer elements and prevents them from being washed with irrigation water. Thus, it reduces the amounts of fertilizer consumed in addition to converting the elements into a form that is easy to absorb.
  • Phylon in order to maintain the soil content of beneficial microorganisms, And increases the rate of reproduction, which increases the fertility of the soil.

How to add and use

  • It is added by irrigation.
  • It is added at a rate of 4 to 6 kilograms per acre, And that from the beginning of the growing season until maturity.
  • If no organic matter or compost is added, It is added at a rate of 10 kg per acre from the beginning of the growing season until maturity.
Chemical and physical composition
Total humic acids 65%
humic acid 51%
valvic acid 14%
water soluble potassium (K2O) 4 – 8 %
pH 7%
Packaging 1 – 5 – 15 kg


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