

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder


Features of Surround WP

  • CeRound is a natural compound that has been reacted with other substances that allow the compound to remain on the plant parts for a long time.
  • Cereound gives the compound a vegetative cover that protects plants from many sucking piercing insects, It is a natural protection that reduces the use of pesticides.
  • seraround used in biological agriculture and integrated pest management (IPM), The compound is certified by the Organic Agriculture Organization (OMRI) of America as a protection against insect infestation.
  • The seraround allows the rays responsible for the coloring of the fruits to pass through, Which enables good coloring of the fruits while preventing harmful rays on the fruits.
  • Searound covers the fruits preventing the harmful ‘Sun Burn’ effect on the fruits and vegetables (which is less costly than bagging in mango and pomegranate).
  • Cereound is used on grapes after collection to prevent severe heat in southern Egypt during storage feeding in summer.
  • Cereals are used on the fruits of vegetables that have been washed or peeled to prevent sunburn (watermelon, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, cucumber, tomato, eggplant), It is not used on strawberries.
  • The compound covering of leaves during vegetative growth allows photosynthesis at high temperatures (tomatoes and grapes in Upper Egypt).
  • When spraying seraround in nurseries (vegetable or fruit), It maintains the growth of seedlings during high summer temperatures, especially in nurseries in Upper Egypt.
  • Ceyround accepts mixing with a lot of insecticides, fungicides and foliar nutrients and a mixing experiment should be done to be sure.
  • Searound is not to be confused with many pesticides, fungicides and foliar nutrients. A mixing experiment must be done to confirm.
  • Cereals do not mix with sulfur or Bordeaux solution (copper), It can be mixed with wettable micronized sulfur or copper oxychloride.
  • Ceround is added after first dissolving it in water to the spray motor tank, then adding the pesticide or nutrient after that with constant stirring during the spraying.

How to add and use

  • Fruit trees : a concentration of 2 to 3 kg per 100 liters of water is preferred (the first spray is used at a high concentration of 3 kg per 100 liters of water, two weeks before the temperature rises, then the spray is repeated every 14 days with a lower concentration of 1.5 kg per 100 liters of water).
  • To protect against insects, it is preferable to spray it every 15 days after completing the contract. It is also possible to immerse mango fruits with the addition of copper oxychlorine with the compound.
  • Vegetables : to protect the fruits from the sting of the sun at a concentration of 2.5 kg per 100 liters of water after the contract, and to protect the plant from high heat at a concentration of 1.5 kg per 100 liters of water every 10 days.
  • Vegetable and fruit nurseries : To protect them from high temperature, spray every 10 days at a concentration of 2.5 kilograms per 100 liters of water for vegetable nurseries, as for fruit nurseries at a rate of 3 kilograms per 100 liters of water.
Chemical and physical composition
aluminum silicate 95%
Other additions 5%
Packaging 12.5 kilo


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