


Original price was: 2.00 EGP.Current price is: 1.00 EGP.

Solo-N.Fert is an acidic and completely water-soluble potassium powder fertilizer; It contains the highest percentage of potassium, which distinguishes it for use in the stages of fruit growth, It improves the yield, taste and appearance of the fruits. It also increases the plant’s ability to resist unsuitable weather conditions (heat, cold, drought).

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Solo-N.Fert . Characteristics

Potassium plays an important role in many vital processes within the plant. It is important in all phases of plant growth from growth to production. It increases production by:

  1. Increased root growth.
  2. Increasing the efficiency of the enzyme system.
  3. It has a role in the process of photosynthesis and food formation.
  4. Transfer of starch and sugars.
  5. Increase the plant’s protein content.
  6. Cellulose construction.
  7. Production of cereals rich in starch.
  8. Control the ionic balance and raise the productivity of the acre.

Sulfur is obtained by plants through the soil through organic matter and minerals. But additional amounts of sulfur are needed, especially in cases of abundant production. Most of the sulfur is bound in the soil with organic matter that plants cannot use until they are converted into sulfate by bacteria in a process known as “mineralization”.

The importance of sulfur is due to the fact that it is part of every living cell. It is required for the synthesis of amino acids such as cysteine, methionine, and protein. It is also important for photosynthesis and the reduction of nitrates to convert them to amino acids. Also, leguminous plants need sulfur to increase the efficiency of nitrogen fixation.

Ways to add and use Solo-N.Fert

  • Through irrigation systems : in general, 2-5 kg per acre, in fertilization, according to the age and type of the plant.
  • By foliar spray : In general, 4-5 kg per liter of water.
Description, chemical and physical composition
Trade Name SOLO-N.FERT
chemical name potassium sulfate
Chemical formula K 2 SO 4
virtual form fine white powder
Potassium (K2O) 50%
sulfur (S) 18%
Chlorine (Cl) 0.4 – 0.5 %
dissolution rate 130g/L
pH 2 – 2.5
Packaging 25 kg

Product Experience

Additional information

Weight 25 kg


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