Stemo K 30

Stemo K 30

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder

SKU: QU0052 Categories: , Tag: ,


Features of Stimu K-30

  • Stimo K30 contains an innovative formula in the form of potassium alginate.
  • Stimo K30 is a natural growth regulator extracted from seaweed.
  • Stimo K30 has a low molecular weight due to the alginate, Which helps to speed up the absorption of potassium than any other form.
  • Potassium acts as a catalyst for the transport of nutrients within the plant.
  • Stimo K30 plays an important role in increasing the speed of sugar concentration in fruits. Which increases its quality thanks to potassium in the form of alginate.
  • Stimo K30 improves the marketing characteristics of the fruits (size, color, firmness, The shelf life of the fruits for storage) thanks to the fruits retaining moisture as a result of the presence of alginates.

How to add and use

How to add and use

Chemical and physical composition
Potassium oxide (K2O) 30 %
alginic acid 5 – 8 %
Organic materials 15 – 20 %
powder size 20 Mesh
pH 9 – 11 %
Packaging 100 grams


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