Ugarit Strawberry

Ugarit Strawberry

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder

SKU: QU0072 Categories: , Tag: ,


Characteristics of Ugarit Strawberry

  • Ugarit Strawberry is a product specially made to raise the efficiency of the strawberry crop in terms of shoots, flowering, knots, sizing and coloring.
  • Ugarit strawberry contains phosphorous in a high quality form and is very important in the process of growth and revitalization of the roots and push the plant to flower.
  • Ugarit strawberry is included in the synthesis of nucleic acids and energy compounds (ATP).
  • Strawberry Ugarit contains a high percentage of potassium that helps increase fruit sizing, Which is reflected in an increase in the total yield.
  • Strawberry Ugarit contains a high percentage of potassium, which works to convert sugars and nutrients from the leaves to the fruits, Which increases the yield quantitatively and qualitatively, It is also important not to lose water, It controls the osmotic pressure property.
  • Ugarit strawberry works and pushes the plant to flower and knot under unfavorable environmental conditions, Especially under frost conditions.

How to add and use

  • The product uses a foliar spray at a rate of 2 cm per liter of water. The first treatment is at the beginning of flowering. the beginning of the contract phase, It is repeated every 15 days of each transaction (only 3 transactions).
  • In the case of weak vegetation, The dose is halved to 1 cm per liter of water.

Chemical and physical composition

Potassium oxide (K2O) 25 %
phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5) 20 %
Packaging 1 liter


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