Ugarite sulfomine

Ugarite sulfomine

1.00 EGP

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Properties of Sulfomine Ugarit

  • Ugarit sulfomine is a compound that treats soil salinity and is not a salt repellent. Ugarit sulfomine is a liquid compound made with a unique manufacturing and chemical technology to be used in the treatment of saline soils (soudy and lime).
  • Ugarit sulfomine depends in its composition on urea sulfite, Which in turn works to break the acidic and calcareous bonds, This allows facilitating the calcium ion in the soil solution to be suitable for absorption by the plant.
  • Ugarit sulfomine contains a high percentage of sulfur, which encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, Which facilitates the absorption of elements in the soil, such as microelements (iron, zinc, manganese … etc.), Which is involved in the synthesis and formation of vitamins and proteins, It also helps convert nitrates into amino acids.
  • Ogarite sulfomine is characterized by a low percentage of biuret in its composition, As the percentage of biuret is less than 0.5%.

Methods of adding and using ( injection only )

  • In general, from 2 to 3 liters per acre per week, And that from the beginning of growth until harvest.
Chemical and physical composition
Nitrogen from urea sulfite 40 %
Sulfur comes from urea sulfite 12 %
Packaging 5 – 20 liters


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