Van Ebern Oligo Born 15% + 0.7 Molybdenum

Van Ebern Oligo Born 15% + 0.7 Molybdenum

1.00 EGP

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Properties of Oligo Born 15% + 0.7 Molybdenum

  • It is considered one of the fertilizers that are sprayed foliarly on the plant in order to achieve a nutritional balance and work between the fruit and vegetative group.
  • Boron transfers nutrients from one part to another depending on the requirements of the plant.
  • It helps in increasing the production and improving the type and taste with an increase in the homogeneity of the fruits.
  • Increased production in fruit trees with an increase in sugar content and coloring.
  • Increase the thickness of the stem and leaves in case of addition at the beginning of the plant’s life.
  • Increasing the production of root crops (potatoes, Peanuts, Sugar beet), By filtering the foliage, increasing the size and homogeneity of its fruits, and raising the specific density, Thus, increasing the hardness and smoothness of the outer shell, which leads to raising the export quality.
  • Oligoboron plays a vital role in the growth of the pollen tube, which increases pollination.
  • Molybdenum has an important role in reducing nitrate NO3 to ammonia NH4 inside the plant. It also has an important role in phosphorous metabolism.

How to add and use

Spray on the leaves as follows:

  • In the case of feeding from 100 to 200 cm / 100 liters of water.
  • For root and tuber crops (potatoes, Sugar beet, Peanuts), From 750 to 1000 cm / feddan to filter the vegetative total.
  • In the case of storing boron in the grape crop immediately after harvest, 1 liter/acre is injected once.
Chemical and physical composition
Boron chelate to ethanolamine 15%
molybdenum 0.7%
Packaging 1 – 5 – 20 liters


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