Van Ebern Wake Up Liquid

Van Ebern Wake Up Liquid

1.00 EGP

Available on backorder

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Ebern WAKE-up® Liquid Features

  • WAKE-up® Liquid increases the efficiency of water absorption in (thirst, lack of water, dehydration, high temperature, cold).
  • The compound keeps part of the stomata openings during unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • The presence of carboxylates, which works to raise the negative impact of difficult environmental conditions as antioxidants, The company has distinguished itself in using only two distinct types of carboxylates.
  • growth stimulator, It increases the concentration of colored pigments (anthocyanins) by trapping the stray ions, which are free oxygen.

How to add and use

  • The application is sprayed on the leaves at a rate of 1.6 to 2 liters per acre.
  • By axial spraying, the maximum dose per day is 1.5 liters of spray per 100 liters of water.
Chemical and physical composition
potassium oxide 30%
Whole nitrogen comes from urea 4%
salinity 7%
Density 1.34 g/cm3
Packaging 1 liter


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