sweet potato.. The most important 7 benefits of the fruit of potatoes and is it harmful?

The potato is a dicotyledonous plant that is grown underground and is characterized by the large size of its fruits. It is considered a vegetable that belongs to the Mahmoudi family. Potatoes are classified as starch. Most of the time it is orange in color but sometimes it is found in white, violet, red and yellow.

There are many ways to prepare the fruit of potatoes, such as boiling, frying and baking; Potatoes are distinguished by their creamy texture and delicious sugary taste. Therefore, many people in different age groups love it, especially children.

Potato fruit benefits

The potato fruit contains a lot of water, as well as vitamins, minerals and vitamin A, which is found in abundance inside the potato. It is also high in fiber and carbohydrates. It provides the human body with many nutritional values. So, potatoes have a lot of benefits. Below we will mention some of them:

Cancer prevention

Potatoes contain a lot of antioxidants, especially purple potatoes. Antioxidants work to prevent harmful substances that cause many cancers, such as breast cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer.

Regulates the digestive process

Potatoes regulate movement within the digestive system and reduce constipation, because they contain large amounts of fiber, which helps the digestive system in this.

An essential source of choline

Choline is involved in building muscle and is very useful for memory and learning. It also gives the ability to sleep, absorb fat and reduce inflammation.

Increase fertility in women

Many women need vitamin A to produce female hormones that are beneficial for pregnancy and lactation. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin A. Therefore, women should increase their intake.

Strengthen the immune system

Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin C in addition to beta-carotene. And a lot of antioxidants that increase the immune system’s resistance to many diseases.

Prevention of vitamin A deficiency

Potatoes contain a very high percentage of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Eating 100 grams of sweet potatoes is sufficient for the daily requirement of vitamin A. And reduce the damage caused by this deficiency, such as temporary eye damage or blindness.

lowering blood pressure

Potatoes contain large amounts of potassium, which is needed in regulating blood pressure and heart diseases of all kinds.

Potato benefits for children

Many pediatricians advise that children should eat boiled and mashed potatoes in their early stages. Especially in the first three years, This is because:

  • It provides the child with a good amount of iron, which reduces the risk of anemia.
  • The dietary fiber in which it is present improves the performance of the digestive system in children.
  • It helps the child grow properly, and this is because of the potassium that the child derives from it.

Potato damages

When people get used to a certain diet in which they only eat certain things, It negatively affects their body. Therefore, eating potatoes in large quantities is dangerous. This is because:

  • It contains a high percentage of oxalate, which works to form a large percentage of kidney stones.
  • It contains a large percentage of sugars that increase blood sugar levels. This poses a significant risk to diabetics. But in this case, eating boiled potatoes is much better than eating fried or baked potatoes.
  • cause harm to those with kidney problems, This is because it contains a very large amount of potassium. It can cause death if the kidneys cannot remove potassium in the blood.
  • Heart patients should eat potatoes in moderation because the potassium in potatoes affects the “beta-blocker” medications that heart patients take.

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