Fruit falling in trees and vegetables

The phenomenon of fruit falling is common in most fruit trees, whether it is evergreen (citrus / mango / olive) or fallen leaves (apricots / apples / pears / plums / figs). In vegetables as in pepper and eggplant, And the fruit may remain suspended on the plants without falling due to non-pollination of the female flowers or ovarian atrophy in the camel with the nodes of the bacterium Parthinocarp)
– This phenomenon occurs in the trees generally after pollination and contract and also occurs during the completion of the natural maturity of fruits and some views that it is the result of physiological factors – or environmental – or physiological associated with weather conditions – or satisfactory or malnutrition (and when two or more of the above Precipitation)
This phenomenon is increased by a large percentage in the pollinated and pollinated plants. It is reduced in self-pollinating plants. It occurs as a result of several factors as mentioned previously. It occurs several times in some trees. For example, Insemination is good (for different conditions of insect infestation, environmental conditions, disease, etc.). Secondary fall may occur during the rapid growth of the embryo within the fruit and is known as the June June drop. It can also occur after the beginning of maturity and its causes –
Where the separation occurs in the fruit, it varies from one plant to another (genetic causes, such as the weakness of the crust), and may vary from one drop to another (ie, the separation can occur in the area of the neck contact with the fruit) (the capsule leaves on the trees as in citrus) Between the two layers of the skin and the skin – or the separation occurs in the neck itself (Figure 1). For example, the plum may be separated by a part of the neck in the initial precipitation after pollination and contract, but in secondary precipitation the growth stage of the fruit breaks without a neck.
In order to avoid this phenomenon and reduce its impact on the crop must know the reasons that lead to the fall of fruits in all these stages of fruit.
If the precipitation is caused by a lack of nutrition in general and calcium and potassium in particular – the study of paper analysis and availability and the presence of ascetic ratios of all elements in the leaves (taking into account the position of leaves on trees / and the age of the paper /
– How to activate the Synergism or Antagonism among them (The rapid alkali elements can be sprayed through the leaves such as calcium-containing fertilizers, calcium nitrate in some trees that still need nitrates at this time) Citrus or mango / olive / peach / guava) or calcium in the form of mixtures of amino acids or claw on the ethanol in the grape trees such as the compound (Cal Boro or Calciotoburon), where the need for nitrogen to the abundance of trees and increase the causes of hyper-clusters (shattering) The compound loaded with amino acids is faster to absorb Through the mouths of the leaves and petals and fruits too-especially when the high temperature in summer or increase the moisture in the soil or air in winter Faiht lock mouths decreases calcium surge to the fruit as it element associated with moving from the roots Balenth continuous evaporation in plants ((Evapo-transpiration element
And the use of potassium fertilizers high value of potassium nitrate such as 6/6/43 or 12/12/36 on the trees of the deciduous and permanent 4/4/44 can be used on grapes for the low content of nitrogen and for the same reasons, the abundance of nitrogen in grape leaves or The use of potassium loaded on enzymes and protein such as a master kabe in grapes and in some trees or spray of potassium nitrate for other trees
– It is possible that the precipitation is due to the lack of a specific physical component such as zinc and could reduce the fall of June and increase the yield of approximately 50% in the mandarin mandarin spray on May 20 with a compound consisting of the following (zinc sulphate 0,5% + gritlik acid 15ppm + urea 1 %) Akhlaghi 2010
If the precipitation is caused by a lack of pollination due to lack of bees or pollination insects (bees in citrus fruits, flies, flies and some other insects in mango) – the speed of spraying calcium with boron should be speeded to increase the efficiency of fertilization in the flowers and to avoid fall after the decade of berry and fruit growth is complete, On the amino acid if possible or the claw on mono-ethanol or carbocyclic acid (where calcium and boron plays an important role in the growth of the vaccine tube of the pollen, and boron and calcium play a major role in cell division, Whatever fruits and increase the volume growth after decade (evident in the number of cells of a grape from the use of calcium Boron in the stages of flowering)
– It is also important to provide a suitable environment for pollination insects such as bees (by placing bee hives in citrus) and flies (providing some municipal mango sprays). Also, stop harmful insecticides or choose insecticides for pollination insects or use biological resistance, During vaccination and contract
It may be caused by some diseases and insects that affect the flowers before the decade, such as Thrips, which causes deformation of the ovaries and then the fall of fruits or the fly of flowers that feed on the parts of flowers – or after the decade of all kinds of macros, causing deformation of fruit may fall some
And some diseases cause deformation and then the fall of fruits, for example, the delicate pulp of mango can affect the flowers and fruits, causing the loss of each – and the flora also affects the flowers – and this can be overcome by resistance to pesticides – but in previous years could overcome some diseases prevention either bribes before the emergence or Use Potassium Phosphate